Susanne Schwemmlein


I offer the following classical homeopathic treatments:

  • Anamnesis and constitutional remedies according to the rules of classical homeopathy with symptom analysis and prescription.
  • Acute treatment also according to the rules of classical homeopathy with symptom analysis and prescription.
  • Organotropic treatment according to the principle of “like cures like” without anamnesis (to provide immediate assistance in the period until an anamnesis can take place, or if no anamnesis is explicitly desired).

What is classical homeopathy?


The physician, pharmacist and chemist, Dr. Ch. F. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), developed homeopathy as a therapeutic system with the phrase "Similia Similibus Curentur" about 200 years ago. The term "homeopathy" derives from Greek and means "to suffer similarly." The words express the principle: A medicine causes symptoms in a healthy person similar to those it can cure in the patient. Hahnemann gained his initial experience of this principle with toxic substances, such as cinchona bark and deadly nightshade: The symptoms caused by deadly nightshade (reddening, palpitations, fever, dilated pupils, etc.) can also be cured in potentiated form as a homeopathic medicine.

Production of homeopathic medicines

Toxicological information alone did not provide Hahnemann sufficient information. Yet, it was impossible to obtain other information on substances as toxic as belladonna or arsenic, so he decided to dilute the substances with water in several successive steps of 1:100 each. Dilution resulted in a loss of toxicity, but ultimately in a loss of effectiveness, as well. Finally, Hahnemann began to knock the glass bottle vigorously several times on a solid base after each dilution. To his own astonishment, shaking, or succussing, the diluted substance resulted in its greater effectivity. He called this process of dilution and succussion “potentiation.” If diluted and shaken 30 times in a 1:100 (centesimal) ratio, we obtain the potency C 30, with 200 times dilution and subsequent shaking we obtain the potency C 200, and so on. If diluted and shaken in a ratio of 1:10 (decimal), we get "D-potencies".

Becoming ill

A chronic illness does not happen overnight. It arises from a predisposition, that is, a susceptibility to this particular disease, which only occurs due to a weakening of the organism and as the summation of different experiences and impressions.

Conventional medicine considers symptoms of illness to be something disruptive and "treated" with an antidote, in other words, suppressed. Often, however, this repression does not last long and symptoms return. Worse, if they don't come back, it means a weakening of the organism. This often leads to diseases on a different, deeper level.

The suppression of symptoms does not only make us sicker and sicker physically, but also mentally and emotionally. We become ill on a deeper level – depression and compulsion make you sicker than hay fever.

Being healthy

Our organism itself continuously strives to maintain the best possible state of health. Skin, wounds, bones, etc. heal after injuries, inflammations are locally contained (e. g. ulceration on the finger), and in the case of insect bites, local swelling occurs around the site of injection. We are all familiar with the various stages of a simple cold that eventually goes away by itself, and we all know that fever is a healing reaction.

In homeopathy, we understand the symptoms of the diseased organism as a sign that its self-healing powers alone cannot solve its affliction. We look for the most suitable homeopathic remedy, the simillimum, to help the body help itself. You may have already heard of patients who have taken their "constitutional remedy" and soon afterwards overcome their chronic illness.